Family Medicine Physician
Personal Motto
- I will help you become the first person responsible for your own health.
Professional Expertise
- Differential diagnosis and treatment of various diseases
- Health management
- Prevention and early screening of tumors and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
- High-altitude medicine
- Pre-travel consultation
- Prevention of local diseases in different countries
- Travel medicine, including pre-study abroad and other travel-related medical fields
Educational Background
- Master of Family Medicine from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Training in general practice-related programs at the University of Birmingham, UK
Clinical Experience
- Practiced in high-end medical institutions in Guangzhou and Shenzhen
- Focused on patients’ physical and mental health at different stages
- Over ten years of clinical work experience
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Certified Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor by the American Heart Association
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification
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