Patient Services
Welcome to Guangzhou United Family Hospital. Your well-being is our foremost concern. If you have any questions about your care, please ask your physician or nurse. Also please ask your nurse for assistance if you require the services of a Patient Services representative.
Patient Services Team
Our Patient Services officers work as advocates for you and your family to ensure that your experience at the hospital is pleasant and comfortable. Patient Services officers can help answer specific questions, provide information, facilitate problem solving, and coordinate communication between you, your family, and the appropriate staff. Our Patient Services officers are on duty during 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Concierge services: Booking transportation and accommodation
For families that reside outside of Guangzhou, our Patient Services Department can assist you and your family members in finding accommodations near our facilities as well as transportation to our locations. Contact our Patient Services Department for help with reserving and purchasing international or local air tickets or train tickets. We can also help with local transportation should you wish take a taxi. We can also provide you with information regarding short-term and mid-term lodging. We have arrangements with nearby hotels where you can rent a room or an apartment at a reasonable rate.
Hospital coffee shop
Our hospiltal have coffee shop at the lobby, providing seven kind of soft drink including coffee, milky tea and more for free.
Multilingual support
Our staff are fluent in a number of languages, including English, Japanese, Mandarin, Chinese, and more. If our staff doesn’t speak your language, we are pleased to offer, free of charge, a telephone translation service that operates in over 40 languages. Please ask the nurses for assistance.
Patient rights and responsibilities
Every patient has rights and responsibilities. These rights apply to all of our patients without regard to gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, social, cultural, educational, or religious background. Every clinic or nursing unit can provide you with a copy of the Patient Bill of Rights and Patient’s Responsibilities.
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