Health Talks
April 27,OB/GYN Talk – Female Health Talk
Through this talk, you will learn the importance of: A regular Pap smear screening. Knowledge about common vaginal infections and sexually transmitte..
March 27 Pediatric Talk—-How to Treat Diarrhea in Infants and Children
Does my child have diarrhea? How should I treat it and what should I feed my baby? Dr. Yangting Zhang will help parents learn how to stop diarrhea in ..
Dermatology Talk — Acne Treatment
Acne is the world’s most common skin complaint. Attend our talk to learn about the causes of acne and what the best acne treatments are. Speak..
How to Treat Diarrhea in Infants and Children
If your baby has diarrhea, what should you do? What are the best ways to treat it, and what diet should your child have? Find the answers to these que..
Chronic Coughing in Children
Chronic coughing is one of the most common pediatric diseases in the world. Parents all over are thinking: What causes chronic coughing? How do you tr..
The Art of Medicine – Communication Training in Medical English
CME credits will be granted for this course. Medical staff in Beijing and Shanghai can now also sign up! Nov. 7 8:30 am – 5 pm Beijing Unite..
Premium Medical Insurance
Learn about the benefits of premium medical insurance and how you should choose an insurance provider. Speaker: Unistar Insurance Time: 10:00 am – 12..
Miracle in Guangzhou (Chinese)
Masq is an Australian mother of two daughters. At birth, her younger daughter, Qiara was diagnosed with a rare lung disease known as plastic bronchiti..
Positive Parenting
It seems automatic, and seldom questioned, that parents disciplining tactics are centered on pointing out the “mistakes” that children make and then..
Child First Aid Training
A 1.5 hour course for your child to learn about basic first aid skills, including emergency numbers, choking, nose bleeding, wounds, and more. Speaker..
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