Michael LI

Pharmacy Manager, Pharmacist, Associate Professor of Pharmacy
Personal Motto
- Address global health needs through expert pharmaceutical knowledge and skills.
Professional Expertise
- Medication management for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
- Expertise in antibacterial medications.
- Specialized knowledge in maternal and infant medication.
- Focused on medication for the elderly.
- Familiar with the “Hong Kong and Macao Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Access” program.
- Provision of medication services for common and frequently occurring diseases.
Educational Background
- Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the Second Military Medical University, 1998.
- Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy from the Second Military Medical University, 2007.
- Certificate in Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Chinese teaching qualification from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), 2016.
- Doctorate in Pharmacology (Engineering) from South China University of Technology, 2019.
Clinical Experience
- Over 25 years of clinical practice experience.
- Worked for 20 years in a provincial-level large public tertiary hospital.
- Served nearly 20 years as a clinical pharmacist.
- Taught at the National Health Commission’s clinical pharmacist training base for 7 years.
- Formerly directed the Drug Evaluation Department of the Guangdong Pharmacological Society.
Academic Achievements
- Published nearly 50 papers in various core journals, 6 of which are included in SCI.
- Edited 1 monograph, co-edited 2, and participated in the compilation and translation of 16 books.
- Holds 3 invention patents.
- Led a sub-project of the Guangzhou Major Science and Technology Plan Project.
- Hosted 2 Guangdong provincial scientific research projects.
- Participated in over 10 national and provincial-related projects.
- Contributed to the publication of 6 software copyrights.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Contributed as a pharmaceutical expert to the “Regulations on the Management of Imported Hong Kong and Macao Drugs and Medical Devices in the Nine Cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.”
- Awarded the Ninth “Most Beautiful Pharmacist” in Guangdong Province, 2024.
- Received the 2022 UFH Way Group Annual Medical Technology Award.
- Honored with the Most Popular Doctor Award at the Pharmacy Department of GZU Internet Hospital, 2022.
- Recognized as one of the “National Top 100 Clinical Pharmacist Teachers,” 2016.
- Received a third-class merit and ten annual commendations from the unit.
- Deputy Director of the Second Expert Committee on Medication Therapy Management of the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association.
- Deputy Director of the Second Professional Committee on Drug Re-evaluation of the Guangdong Pharmacological Society.
- Standing Committee member of the Ninth Professional Committee on Geriatric Pharmacy of the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association.
- Standing Committee member of the Second Professional Committee on Drug Vigilance of the Guangdong Pharmacological Society.
- Standing Committee member of the Ninth Professional Committee on Pharmaceutical Management of the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association.
- Member of the First “Hong Kong and Macao Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Access” Professional Committee of the Guangzhou Hospital Association.
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