Jing XU

Ultrasound Physician
Personal Motto
- Understanding that every concern about your health deserves compassionate care, I am fully committed to using my expertise to uncover the message behind your medical images, and to bring the warmth of medicine to our communication and conversations.
Professional Expertise
- Abdominal ultrasound diagnosis.
- Superficial organ ultrasound diagnosis.
- Obstetric and gynecological ultrasound diagnosis.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of vascular diseases.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Liaoning Medical University (2011).
Clinical Experience
- Completed standardized training for ultrasound resident physicians at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (2015).
- Worked at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, specializing in ultrasound diagnosis of abdominal, superficial organs, obstetric, gynecological, and vascular diseases.
- Rotated through various clinical departments, gaining proficiency in ultrasound diagnosis of common diseases.
Academic Achievements
- Published professional articles in core journals such as the Chinese Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and the Journal of Practical Medical Imaging.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Certified Ultrasound Physician by the Guangdong Ultrasound Engineering Society.
- Member of the Guangzhou Medical Association Ultrasound Physician Branch.
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