Cavalry JIAN

Section Chief of Psychiatry, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Using professionalism to decode the language of the soul, and accompanying the journey forward with love and support.
Professional Expertise
- Treatment of common sleep disorders and psychiatric mental illnesses.
- Early identification and intervention of sleep disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depressive disorder, bipolar affective disorder, and childhood emotional disorders.
- Integrated treatment approaches, including pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.
- Treatment of complex psychiatric conditions such as treatment-resistant depression.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University School of Medicine in 2006.
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Psychiatry from Guangzhou Medical University in 2013.
Clinical Experience
- Achieved the qualification of Deputy Chief Physician in Psychiatry in 2016.
- Received psychotherapy training at Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, and other institutions.
- Over 16 years of clinical experience in psychiatry.
- Worked at the Guangzhou Medical University Affiliated Brain Hospital (Guangzhou Mental Health Center, Guangzhou Huiai Hospital).
Academic Achievements
- Published multiple academic articles in domestic and international medical journals on topics such as sleep disorders, bipolar affective disorder, and major depressive disorder.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Certified International Hypnotherapist and International Hypnosis Consultant.
- Certified in Family Psychotherapy.
- Member of the Sleep Management Branch of the Guangdong Medical Industry Association.
- Member of the Medical Information Engineering Branch of the Guangdong Biomedical Engineering Society.
- Member of the Guangzhou Medical Association.
- Member of the Clinical Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Professional Committee of the Guangdong Clinical Medicine Society, and a member of the Clinical Research Group on Psychosomatic Medicine and Depression Disorder Group.
- Standing Committee member of the Second “Guangdong Psychological Health Management Professional Committee” of the Guangdong Psychological Health Association.
- Standing Committee member of the Mental Health Branch of the Guangdong Health Science Popularization Association.
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