Section Chief of PICU, Pediatrician
Personal Motto
- Precision in practice, compassion in heart, and commitment to the utmost.
Professional Expertise
- Specializes in the treatment of pediatric critical and emergency conditions.
- Proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common pediatric respiratory and digestive system diseases.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in 2009 with a Master’s degree in Pediatrics.
- Obtained a PhD in Pediatrics from Southern Medical University in 2014.
Clinical Experience
- Currently working at the Pediatric Center of Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University.
- Over 15 years of extensive clinical experience.
Academic Achievements
- Trained in critical pediatric brain function monitoring and assessment, as well as pediatric basic critical care support courses.
- Published several academic articles in renowned medical journals, including International Immunopharmacology, Chinese Medical Journal, International Journal of Pediatrics, and Chinese Journal of Neurology.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Youth Group of the Disaster Prevention and Management Committee of the Chinese Medical Association’s Pediatric Branch.
- Member of the First Expert Committee on Rational Drug Use in Pediatric Critical Care of the Guangdong Provincial Pharmaceutical Association.
- Member of the First Committee on Pediatric Palliative Care of the Guangzhou Medical Association.
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