Anhua LI

Ultrasound Physician, Guangzhou United Family Hospital,
Director of Ultrasound, United Family Healthcare,
Chief Physician
Dr. Li graduated from the Department of Medical Imaging in Portsmouth University in the UK in 2001 with a Master’s degree. Dr. Li specializes in ultrasound diagnosis and interventional treatment of tumors in various systems, especially specializes in the ultrasound diagnosis of thyroid, breast diseases and practices interventional therapy for tumors. She is skilled in ultrasound-guided biopsies and minimally invasive interventional therapy for various tumors. In recent years, she has focused on breast ultrasound diagnosis and training ultrasound doctors for national breast cancer screenings.
Since 2007, she has promoted the diagnostic criteria for the qualitative localization of superficial lymph nodes (including armpits) in China. In 2013, Dr. Li started promoting the international general language, ACR BI-RADS classification, throughout China. Since 2015 she has led two Chinese multi-center research projects, namely the Value of Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Breast tumors and the Application of Automatic Volume Breast Ultrasound in the Differential Diagnosis of Breast Cancer. The results of both projects were orally presented to the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
In 2017, Dr. Li joined an expert panel for Guidelines for Chinese Breast Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis and Treatment and the expert panel for Quality Control of Chinese Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment organized by China National Cancer Center. She has also participated in breast cancer screenings on multiple occasions. Dr. Li serves in many academic organizations, including the Guangdong Ultrasonic Medical Engineering Society, and is vice president of the Chinese Association of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering.
Dr. Li is also Chair of the Ultrasound Branch of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, and is on the Ultrasonic Professional Committee of the China Medical Education Association to name a few.
Dr. Li speaks English and Chinese.
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