Qiuhong HUANG

ENT Section Chief, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Dedicated to the intricacies of ENT care, I prioritize your health with meticulous skill and medical expertise.
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases, including snoring and sleep apnea in adults and children, adenotonsillar diseases in children, otitis media, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngeal diseases, voice disorders, and more.
- Skilled in various ENT surgeries, particularly snoring surgeries for both adults and children, adenotonsillar surgeries, tympanic membrane repair, ventilation tube insertion for otitis media, correction of deviated nasal septum, sinus opening, radiofrequency ablation of the inferior turbinate, and surgeries for vocal nodules and polyps under laryngoscopy.
- Proficient in performing various ENT endoscopic examination procedures, including operations under otoscope, rhinoscope, and laryngoscope.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the seven-year integrated undergraduate and master’s program at Zhongshan Medical University (Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University) in 2008, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Medicine and a Master’s degree in Otorhinolaryngology.
- Obtained a Doctorate in Otorhinolaryngology from Sun Yat-sen University in 2016.
Clinical Experience
- Worked in the ENT department of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital for 15 years.
- Promoted to Deputy Chief Physician in 2017.
- Studied in the ENT department at Case Western Reserve University in the United States from 2011 to 2012.
Academic Achievements
- Led several research projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Guangdong Provincial Research Fund.
- Published over 10 academic articles in both domestic and international core journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Otolaryngology Branch of the China Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Committee on Deafness Genomics.
- Youth Committee Member of the Otolaryngology Branch of the China Medical Promotion Association.
- Member and Secretary of the Vertigo Committee of the Guangdong Rehabilitation Medical Association’s Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Branch.
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