Zhenhuan LI

Personal Motto
- The world of imaging is ever-changing. Health is our priority, and our duty to you is our dedication and commitment.
Professional Expertise
- Experience in radiology.
- General radiography, CT, MRI diagnosis, and vascular interventional treatment.
- Imaging diagnosis of pediatric and obstetric diseases.
- CT/MRI diagnosis of neonatal central nervous system diseases.
- MRI diagnosis of fetal and placental conditions.
- Mammography and MRI diagnosis of breast diseases.
- CT/MRI diagnosis of gynecological tumors.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Department of Medical Imaging, Qingdao University Medical College (2004).
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Medical Imaging and qualification as a chief physician (2010).
Clinical Experience
- Worked in medical imaging diagnosis at Zibo Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital.
- Experience at one of the first national Class Three A Maternal and Child Health Hospitals.
- Completed a fellowship in MRI diagnosis and vascular interventional treatment at Shandong Provincial Medical Imaging Research Institute (2014).
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Radiology Committee of Zibo Medical Association.
- Member of the Minimally Invasive Interventional Treatment Committee of Zibo Medical Association.
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