Orthopedic Consultant, Chief Physician
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of common orthopedic diseases and emergency management of critical conditions.
- Repair of knee meniscus injuries and ligament reconstruction surgeries.
- Minimally invasive treatment of shoulder sports injuries using arthroscopy.
- Techniques for complex trauma rescue, including management of complex fractures, bone non-union, and surgical treatment of infections.
- Artificial hip replacement and revision surgeries.
- Artificial knee replacement surgery with a focus on postoperative rapid recovery plans.
- Hip preservation treatments for femoral head necrosis.
- Management of chronic osteomyelitis and related conditions.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Southern Medical University in 2003.
- Served as a visiting scholar at the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg, Germany, and at Harvard Medical School, USA.
- From 2014 to 2016, studied at the Orthopaedic Laboratory of Professor Myron Spector at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University, as a state-sponsored visiting scholar.
Clinical Experience
- Completed standardized training for resident physicians in 2006.
- Finished training for attending physicians in 2010.
- Achieved Chief Physician qualification in 2014.
- Appraised as associate professor and doctoral supervisor in 2014.
- Nearly 20 years of experience at Zhujiang Hospital, affiliated with Southern Medical University.
Academic Achievements
- In 2013, served as an AO Fellow at the Orthopaedic Department of the University of Freiburg for two months.
- In 2015, worked for 1.5 years at the Orthopaedic Departments of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, as a state-sponsored visiting scholar.
- In 2020, spent one month as a senior visiting scholar in the Sports Injury Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital.
- Completed advanced training in sports injuries at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital.
- Secured several research grants from the National Natural Science Foundation and Guangdong Natural Science Foundation.
- Published 26 English academic articles in prestigious international medical journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Recognized as one of the Seventh Good Doctors of Yangcheng.
- Member of the Professional Committee of Biological Composite Materials of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials.
- Deputy Director of the Youth Committee of the Guangdong Trauma Orthopaedic Society.
- Member of the Chinese Medical Education Orthopaedic Professional Committee.
- Member of the Orthopaedic Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
- Listed in the National Science and Technology Expert Database of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
- Youth member of the Orthopaedic Surgery Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association.
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