Hua Yan

Pediatric Orthopedic Consultant, Associate Chief Physician
Professional Expertise
- Analysis and management of various gait abnormalities in children.
- Conservative and surgical treatment of limb and pelvic deformities and developmental abnormalities, including hip dysplasia, bowlegs, flat feet, and high-arched feet.
- Assessment and treatment of acute trauma and post-traumatic deformities in the pediatric musculoskeletal system.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Peking Union Medical College (Tsinghua University Beijing Union Medical College) in 2009.
Clinical Experience
- Began working at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University (Guangdong Provincial Orthopedic Hospital).
- Worked in the Department of Joint Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Trauma Orthopedics, and Bone Tumor from 2009 to 2013.
- Transitioned to pediatric orthopedics in 2014.
- Currently serving at Shantou University Huaxin Orthopedic Hospital in Guangzhou since late 2018.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Youth Group of the Orthopedic Innovation and Transformation Professional Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Association.
- Member and Secretary of the Pediatric Orthopedics Group of the Orthopedic Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association.
- Youth member of the Foot and Ankle Surgery Group of the Guangdong Medical Association.
- Member of the Foot and Ankle Group of the Pediatric Orthopedics Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association.
- Youth member of the Pediatric Orthopedics Professional Committee of SICOT China.
- Youth member of the Foot and Ankle Surgery Group of the Guangdong Joint Surgery Association.
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