Personal Motto
- My mission is to empower and support my patients. Together, we embark on a journey that requires collaboration between doctors and patients. I am fully committed to standing by your side as we face this challenge together.
Professional Expertise
- Skilled in transurethral prostate enucleation surgery.
- Experienced in the surgical treatment of prostate cancer, kidney tumors, bladder tumors, and adrenal tumors using robot-assisted or laparoscopic techniques.
- Familiar with the diagnosis, treatment, and comprehensive management of various urological tumors.
Clinical Experience
- Engaged in clinical urology work for 8 years.
- Participated in and completed more than 250 surgeries each year.
- Successfully performed robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer in 2018.
- Actively participated in provincial and national conferences, demonstrating transurethral laser prostate enucleation surgery and receiving positive reviews.
Academic Achievements
- Contributed to the compilation of the “Chinese Consensus on the Safety of Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer” and the “Chinese Consensus on the Safety of New Endocrine Therapy for Prostate Cancer.”
- Published several articles in SCI and Chinese journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Youth member of the Urological Health Promotion Branch of the China Medical Health International Exchange Promotion Association.
- Secretary of the Precision Medicine Branch of the Guangdong Urological and Reproductive Association.
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