Xiangming GUO

Ophthalmologist, Senior Specialist/Consultant
Professional Expertise
- Proficient in diagnosing and treating a range of common and complex pediatric eye diseases, including congenital dacryocystitis, cataracts, lens dislocation, nystagmus, retinal degeneration, and optic nerve disorders.
- Skilled in the diagnosis and management of refractive errors, anisometropia, early-onset myopia, and amblyopia.
- Experienced in genetic testing and counseling.
- Particularly adept at the early diagnosis and treatment of visual function development disorders in infants and young children, as well as providing visual health care and addressing amblyopia in preschoolers.
Clinical Experience
- Engaged in clinical practice and teaching in ophthalmology for over twenty years at the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province.
Academic Achievements
- Published more than 100 academic papers, including 110 research articles in SCI-indexed journals (over 30 as first author or corresponding author).
- Led research projects on retinal degeneration, high myopia, and hereditary optic nerve diseases, including funding from the National Natural Science Fund, National “863” Project, and Guangdong Natural Science Fund.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Received the Third Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in Guangdong Province, the Second Prize in Natural Science in Guangdong Province, the Third Prize of the Chinese Medical Award, and both Second and Third Prizes for medical achievements from Sun Yat-sen Medical University.
- Honored as the first Nanyue Good Doctor and the third Good Doctor of Yangcheng.
- Senior consultant for the Pediatric and Genetic Eye Disease Department at Zhongshan University Eye Hospital.
- Member of the Guangdong Genetics Committee of the Chinese Medical Association and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
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