Liyu LU

Ultrasound Physician
Personal Motto
- Maintain focus and professionalism while caring for every patient with enthusiasm and responsibility.
Professional Expertise
- Prenatal ultrasound screening and diagnosis.
- Fetal echocardiography.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of gynecological diseases.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of abdominal diseases.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Southern Medical University (2001).
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Medicine (2009).
Clinical Experience
- Worked at the Women’s and Obstetrics Medical Center of Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University.
- Over 20 years of clinical experience.
- Completed prenatal ultrasound training at Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital (2012).
- Certified in prenatal ultrasound diagnosis for maternal and child health care.
Academic Achievements
- Participated in multiple national and provincial medical conferences.
- Published academic papers in domestic and international medical journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Certified in 11–13+6 weeks ultrasound screening by the Fetal Medicine Foundation, UK.
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