Xiaoyan FU

otolaryngologist, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Precise treatment to ensure that every breath is effortless and unobstructed.
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of snoring disorders in both children and adults, including adenotonsillar hypertrophy in children and comprehensive management of adult snoring.
- Diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases, such as chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, intractable epistaxis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, inverted papilloma, and related surgeries involving the nose and eyes.
- Treatment of deafness (acute and chronic otitis media), tinnitus, vertigo, and radiation-induced otitis media following radiochemotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer.
- Comprehensive management of voice disorders, including vocal nodules, vocal polyps, and T1-2 laryngeal cancer.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Guangzhou Medical University in 2008 with a Master’s degree in Medicine.
- Currently pursuing a doctoral degree at Southern Medical University.
Clinical Experience
- Worked for 20 years in a domestic public tertiary hospital (formerly Guangzhou Military Region General Hospital).
- Served as Deputy Chief Physician of the ENT department since 2019.
Academic Achievements
- Published three SCI papers as the first author and contributed to four others.
- Published nine papers in domestic core journals.
- Participated in and received funding for one National Natural Science Foundation project and three Guangzhou Science and Technology Planning projects.
- Master’s and doctoral research primarily focused on snoring disorders in children and adults.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Youth Committee of the Otolaryngology Branch of the China Medical Health International Exchange Promotion Association.
- Translator for the Vertigo Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Guangdong Rehabilitation Medical Association’s Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Branch.
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