Cathy CHEN

Master of Psychology
Personal Motto
- All of your feelings are valid, they are telling you something important.
Professional Expertise
- Child and Adolescent Psychology: Psychological assessment and treatment for emotional disorders, interpersonal difficulties, and learning issues in children and adolescents aged 2-18.
- Couples and Family Counseling: Relationship adjustment, marital intervention, and family function enhancement.
- Adult Psychology: Support for anxiety, depression, career burnout, interpersonal conflicts, self-growth exploration, and psychological support for sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQ+).
- Developmental and Behavioral Disorders: Comprehensive psychological interventions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and emotional disorders.
Educational Background
- Systematically studied clinical psychology, psychiatry, and developmental educational psychology at the undergraduate and graduate levels in France.
- Graduated from the University of Caen Normandy, France, in 2018.
- Completed undergraduate studies in Medical English and Applied Psychology at Southern Medical University in 2012.
Clinical Experience
- Work experience at Shenzhen Children’s Hospital.
- Provided adult psychotherapy at private psychological clinics.
- Over 8,000 hours of clinical experience in both China and France.
- Five years of overseas work and study experience.
- Three years of work experience in a tertiary hospital.
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