Xunan GONG

Dr. Gong Xunan graduated from Jilin University in 2011. She then worked in the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Jilin Provincial People’s Hospital. She completed the standardized resident training in 2014 and was appointed as Attending Doctor in 2015. Her main tasks are perioperative management of pediatric congenital heart disease and adult cardiac macrovascular surgery. She is proficient at neurosurgery, orthopedics, vascular surgery, urology, general surgery and other postoperative care treatment. She is excellent at diagnosis and treatment of septic shock, ARDS, MODS and rescue treatment of various critical diseases in internal medicine.
Prior to joining Guangzhou United Family Hospital, Dr. Gong worked in the Surgical ICU/ Organ transplantation ICU of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. She specializes in perioperative management of liver and kidney transplantation, maintenance and supportive treatment of organ function, determination of brain death, and management of patients treated with IABP and ECMO. She is also very proficient in routine ICU operations such as endotracheal intubation, ventilator, critical care ultrasound, bronchoscopy, hemodynamic monitoring with Picco and Swan-Ganz catheter, and arteriovenous catheterization.
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