Personal Motto
- Skincare is a long-term journey. Let’s strive for healthy and natural beauty with dedication, and never stop pursuing your aesthetic goals.
Professional Expertise
- Aesthetic laser treatments
- Management of pigmentary skin diseases, including freckles, melasma, and nevi
- Treatment of allergic skin conditions
- Care for disfiguring skin diseases
- Addressing facial photoaging
- Injectable and filler procedures
- Anti-aging treatments for the female intimate area
Educational Background
- Graduated from Southern Medical University.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Awarded the Excellence Award and the Most Popular Award at the 5th National Photonic Aesthetic Skills Operation Competition in 2020.
- Member of the Chinese Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
- Certified physician for Allergan’s Juvederm.
- Certified physician for Botox.
- Certified operator for Thermage.
- Certified operator for CoolSculpting.
- Certified injector of AestheFill.
- Certified doctor for American microwave hyperhidrosis treatment.
- Certified operator of Fotona 4D Pro by European Star.
- Certified physician for Aimeikang Hyaluronic Acid.
- Certified physician for Israeli Medytox Gold Microneedle.
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