Yongle LI

Anesthesiologist, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- With professionalism in hand and warmth in my heart, I am committed to serving and caring for you.
Professional Expertise
- Anesthesia and pain management for various surgical operations.
- Anesthesia for obstetrics and gynecology.
- Anesthesia for infants and young children.
- Labor analgesia management during the perinatal period.
- Anesthesia for critically ill obstetric patients.
- Emergency resuscitation and anesthesia for infants and neonates.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Department of Anesthesiology at Harbin Medical University in 2010.
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Anesthesiology from Southern Medical University in 2013.
Clinical Experience
- Completed standardized training for resident physicians in anesthesiology at Jinling Hospital (General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command).
- Appointed as an attending physician in 2017.
- Achieved the qualification of Deputy Chief Physician in 2019.
- Worked at Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital.
Academic Achievements
- Received clinical research grants, including the Guangdong Medical Science Research Fund and the Guangdong Hospital Pharmaceutical Research Fund.
- Focused research on labor analgesia and organ protection in infants and young children.
- Published over ten academic papers in both Chinese and English journals, including those indexed in SCI.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Guangdong Clinical Medical Association.
- Member of the Anesthesia and Analgesia Committee of the Guangdong Women and Children’s Health Care Association.
- Member of the Professional Committee for the Development and Innovation of Grassroots Anesthesia Technology of the Guangdong Organ Medicine and Technology Society.
- Reviewer for several domestic core journals.
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