Zhichen LI

Associate Chief Medical Officer (ACMO)&Section Chief of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Always pay attention to your musculoskeletal system health.
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of joint and bone diseases.
- Joint replacement surgeries (hip, knee, shoulder).
- Arthroscopic surgical techniques.
- Fracture and trauma surgery.
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries.
- Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis.
- Diagnosis and treatment of neck, shoulder, waist, and leg pain.
Educational Background
- Bachelor of Clinical Medicine from Guangzhou Medical University.
- Master of Surgery from Sun Yat-sen Medical University.
Clinical Experience
- Over 15 years in the joint specialty.
- Studied in the Sports Medicine Department at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital in 2015.
- Visited the Orthopaedic Department of St. Privaté Hospital in France in 2017.
- Engaged with the Trauma Center of Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 2019.
- Served as a senior visiting scholar in the Orthopaedic Department of Peking University Third Hospital in 2020.
- Visited the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, USA, in 2024.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Youth member of the Orthopaedic Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
- Member of the Sports Physician Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association.
- Standing Committee member of the Orthopaedic Committee of the Guangdong Health Management Association.
- Awarded the title of “Good Young Doctor of Yangcheng.”
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