Weixuan LI

Master of Psychology
Personal Motto
- It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Professional Expertise
- Intimate relationships, family relationships, and interpersonal communication
- Academic and work-related distress, motivation, and enhancing a sense of efficacy
- Self-esteem, self-growth, and promoting personality development and perfection
- Supporting adolescents in dealing with developmental psychological confusion
- Therapeutic approach primarily based on psychodynamic therapy, integrated with cognitive-behavioral and brief focal methods
- LGBTQ+-affirmative counseling
Educational Background
- Master of Applied Psychology (Clinical Psychology track) from Peking University
- Bachelor of Social Work from Xiamen University
Clinical Experience
- Over 3,500 hours of accumulated experience in psychological assessment and counseling
- Completed psychiatry internships at Xiamen Mental Health Center and Beijing Anding Hospital
- Participated in a two-year systematic training program with the Sino-American Psychoanalytic Alliance
- Received training in Irvin Yalom group therapy and LGBTQ+-affirmative counseling
- Over 150 hours of individual supervision
- Over 150 hours of personal analysis
Academic Achievements
- Contributing editor for Common Psychological Issues and Practical Research in Adolescence
- Lead translator for The World of Psychology
- Published a featured article in Heart Protection Against COVID-19: A Psychological Adjustment Manual during the COVID-19 pandemic
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Registered Clinical and Counseling Psychologist with the Chinese Psychological Society (Registration No. X-20-174)
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