Ophthalmology Consultant
Professional Expertise
- Specialized in myopia prevention and control for teenagers, including orthokeratology fitting.
- Experienced in refractive and cataract microsurgery, having independently completed approximately 200 phacoemulsification surgeries for cataracts.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Clinical Medicine Program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in 2012.
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Ophthalmology from Sun Yat-sen University in 2015.
Clinical Experience
- Completed standardized training for resident physicians and sub-specialty rotations at Sun Yat-sen University Eye Center.
- Responsible for outpatient and inpatient care while actively participating in surgical procedures.
- Engaged in daily diagnosis and treatment at refractive and optometry clinics for 8 years.
- Accumulated nearly ten years of experience in ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment at Sun Yat-sen University Eye Center, Guangdong Minsheng Ophthalmology Hospital, and Guangzhou Vision Century Ophthalmology Clinic.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Member of the International Orthokeratology Association Asia Branch (IAOA).
- Participated in the China Health Express project initiated by the International Exchange and Cooperation Center of the National Health Commission.
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