Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Consultant
Professional Expertise
- Specialization in Smart Orthopaedics.
- Conducting hip and knee joint replacement and revision surgeries assisted by artificial intelligence and robotics.
- Diagnosis and treatment of joint diseases, including hip and knee osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, and preservation treatments for hip and knee conditions.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees.
- Recipient of the National Scholarship for Doctoral Students.
- Joint-trained doctoral student at Western University in Canada, sponsored by the state (2012-2014).
Clinical Experience
- Associate Professor at Southern Medical University and Master’s Thesis Supervisor.
- Deputy Chief Physician in the Department of Joint Surgery at the Orthopaedic Medical Center, Guangdong Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital.
Academic Achievements
- Hosted two National Natural Science Funds.
- Selected for the ZBI Global Surgeon Mentorship Program in 2024, one of three participants from the Asia-Pacific region, mentored by Dr. Peter Sculco from the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York, USA.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Received the Outstanding Student Scholarship from Sun Yat-sen University for five consecutive years during undergraduate studies.
- Won multiple awards in hospital and university teaching competitions, including second prize at the university level and first prize at the hospital level.
- Appraised as an advanced individual in the hospital several times and included in the “Lingnan Famous Doctors Record” in 2021.
- Honored as the “Good Young Doctor of Yangcheng” in 2023.
- Published more than 10 papers as the first author or corresponding author.
- Frequently invited to speak at domestic and international conferences.
- Member of the Orthopaedic Robot Group of the Robot Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association.
- Member of the Lower Limb Group of the Sports Medicine Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
- Member of the Youth Committee of the Joint Surgery Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
- Member of the Young Physician Professional Group of the Orthopaedic Joint Surgery Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association.
- Member of the Single Cell Technology Branch of the Guangdong Precision Medicine and Precision Medicine Application Society.
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