Personal Motto
- Precision in treatment makes every diagnosis and treatment full of warmth and care.
Professional Expertise
- Proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common pediatric diseases and the resuscitation of critical conditions.
- Skilled in pediatric clinical procedures.
- Rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric emergency and critical diseases.
- In-depth expertise in pediatric hematology, respiratory diseases, and neonatal diseases.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Clinical Medicine Program of Sun Yat-sen University with a Bachelor’s degree in 2014.
- Graduated from the Clinical Medicine Program of Sun Yat-sen University with a Master’s degree in 2017.
Clinical Experience
- Completed pediatric residency training and served as chief resident at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University.
- Entered the pediatric specialist physician training program.
- Worked and studied on the front lines of pediatric clinical practice at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, for nearly 10 years.
- Awarded as an outstanding resident physician.
Academic Achievements
- Participated in the implementation, data collection, and result statistics of the GD 2008 ALL protocol and other multicenter collaborative groups.
- Published a summary paper in SCI journals as co-first author.
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