Yue Cheng LU

Chair Emeritus of Obstetrics, Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Ten months of pregnancy is a challenging journey. With a kind heart and skilled hands, we ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of high-risk pregnancies.
- Management of pregnancies complicated by thyroid diseases, autoimmune disorders, and hypertension-related conditions.
- Management of twin pregnancies.
- Diagnosis and treatment of fetal intrauterine growth abnormalities.
- Clinical procedures, including cesarean sections.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Guangzhou Medical College (now Guangzhou Medical University) in 1986.
Clinical Experience
- Worked at Guangzhou Maternal and Infant Hospital.
- Transferred to the Zhujiang New Town Campus of Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center in 2009, serving as the director of the obstetrics ward.
- Engaged in frontline clinical and management work over an extended period
- Participated in the diagnosis and treatment of common obstetric diseases and the management of critical cases.
- Involved in undergraduate teaching at the clinical department of Guangzhou Medical University.
- Served as a visiting scholar at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cincinnati General Hospital and the Fetal Medicine Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the United States in 2008.
Academic Achievements
- Secured funding for several scientific research projects.
- Published more than ten related papers in international and domestic journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Recipient of the titles of Outstanding Doctor of Yangcheng and Friend of Women.
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