ZHAO Tianchong

Ultrasound Physician
Personal Motto
- With compassion in our hearts, we illuminate the path to health, ensuring no storm can obscure our commitment to care.
Professional Expertise
- Diagnosis of common and frequent diseases in abdominal, gynecological, and adult cardiac ultrasound.
- Ultrasound assessment of superficial organ diseases.
- Postpartum pelvic floor ultrasound.
- Hysterosalpingography ultrasound technique.
- Color Doppler ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen.
- Urinary system color Doppler ultrasound.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of uterine and bilateral adnexal tumors.
- Transvaginal gynecological ultrasound.
- Ovulation monitoring and pre-pregnancy guidance.
- Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of breast, thyroid, and other superficial organs.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of common diseases in adult cardiology.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of vascular diseases.
- Ultrasound assessment of postpartum pelvic floor organs.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Harbin Medical University (2013).
- Received the title of Outstanding Graduate from Harbin Medical University.
Clinical Experience
- Joined Harbin First Hospital.
- Obtained the qualification of attending physician (2017).
Academic Achievements
- Published one SCI paper in 2014 with an impact factor of 2.5.
- Published three papers in core journals in recent years.
- Received five provincial and municipal new technology awards from 2014 to 2022.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Former Secretary-General of the Second Harbin Medical Society Ultrasound Specialty Branch.
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