




Personal Motto

  • I will use my professional knowledge and extensive experience to create a tailored treatment plan that restores the health and vitality of your skin.

Professional Expertise

  • Aesthetic laser treatments
  • Management of disfiguring skin diseases, including acne, acne scars, and rosacea
  • Treatment of pigmentary disorders, such as melasma, freckles, nevi, and brown nevus
  • Care for common dermatological conditions, including eczema, dermatitis, herpes zoster, and urticaria
  • Treatment of immune-related skin diseases, such as psoriasis

Educational Background

  • Obtained a Master’s degree in Dermatology and Venereology from Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, in 2015.

Clinical Experience

  • Completed standardized training for resident physicians in dermatology at Xiangya Second Hospital, Central South University.
  • Worked for several years at a public tertiary hospital.
  • Achieved qualifications as an attending dermatologist and chief physician of skin beauty in 2019.
  • Studied in the Allergy Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University for three months.
  • Served as the chief physician of skin beauty at a private evidence-based clinic.

Academic Achievements

  • Focused on pemphigus research during Master’s studies.
  • Presented at the Fifth Shanghai International Pemphigus Symposium.
  • Contributed to the book “Diagnosis and Treatment of Dermatological and Venereal Diseases.”
  • Hosted a topic on “Observation of Clinical Efficacy and Dermatoscopic Imaging Changes of 308nm Excimer Laser Combined Therapy for Alopecia Areata.”
  • Published several articles in core medical journals.

Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations

  • Youth member of the Allergy and Allergic Reaction Group of the Dermatological Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
  • Youth member of the Allergic Reaction Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association.
  • Certified physician for Allergan’s Botox.
  • Certified operator for Thermage.
  • Certified physician for Aimeikang Hyaluronic Acid.
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