Shi Xia MIAO

OBGYN Physician, Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- People-oriented; committed to practicing medicine with integrity and virtue.
Professional Expertise
- Gynecological inflammatory diseases.
- Cervical cancer screening.
- Menstrual disorders.
- Menopausal management.
- Abortion and intrauterine device removal.
- Cervical cerclage.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the Department of Medicine at Anhui Medical University in 1982.
Clinical Experience
- Worked in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College for 20 years in medical care teaching and research.
- Served as resident physician attending physician associate chief physician associate professor and chief physician.
- Held the positions of deputy director of the department and deputy director of the teaching office for 6 years.
- Participated in the medical team to Yemen and worked at the Abiyang Hospital for 2 years.
- Transferred to the Twelfth People’s Hospital of Guangzhou in 2003 and took full responsibility for the outpatient and inpatient services in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Appointed as an adjunct professor at Guangzhou Medical College.
Academic Achievements
- The research topic “Water Birth: A Prospective Study on Its Impact on Maternal and Infant Health” was approved by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology.
- Published more than 20 papers with several in core journals.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Expert in the Review of Senior Professional Technical Qualifications in the Health Series of Guangdong Province.
- Participated in the review of senior professional technical qualifications in the health series of Guangdong Province in 2008 and 2010.
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