Kelly XIA

General Manager, Pediatrician, Chief Physician
Dr. Kelly Xia graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science, a Master’s degree, and a Doctor’s degree in Pediatrics. She completed her internship and residency in China. Dr. Xia also studied Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, at the Medical College of Georgia in the United States for three years. Dr. Xia received an MBA from the University of Minnesota, USA.
Dr. Xia is the Vice Chairman for Nongovernment Medical Institution Management Branch of Guangzhou Hospital Association, the Vice Chairman for Guangzhou Medical Doctor Association, the Governor for The American Chamber of Commerce In South China, a Member of the Hematology Committee of Guangdong Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association, a Member of the Child Immunization Committee of Guangdong’s Chinese Association For Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development, a Member of the Standing Committee of International and Premium Medicine, Cross-Strait Medicine Exchange Association, and a member of the Guangdong Provincial Women’s Working Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association. She has been involved in pediatric clinical work for over 29 years, specializing in children’s healthcare, nutritional counseling, growth and development, and behavioral assessment guidance, as well as pediatric diseases and treatments relating to allergies, digestion, rheumatism, skin, hematology and oncology.
Dr. Xia was awarded the title of Professor of Pediatrics at Sun Yat-Sen University, where she taught medical undergraduates, graduate students and residents, and trained several pediatric master’s and bachelor’s degree students. She is widely recognized as a renowned expert by many well-known parenting and family-focused media outlets. Dr. Kelly Xia is fully certified by the American Heart Association for Advanced Life Support for Children (PALS) trainer, and was the first instructor in South China to offer PALS training in English. Dr. Xia is a proud recipient of the National Natural Science Foundation and the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Province. She has published several papers in national and foreign medical journals.
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