Vivian LIU

Chair of Pediatrics, Section Chief of Pediatric Neurological Specialty, Pediatrician, Associate Chief Physician
Personal Motto
- Championing children’s health to empower their growth and strength
Professional Expertise
- Over 30 years of clinical experience in pediatrics.
- Specializes in pediatric healthcare, common pediatric diseases, growth and development, pediatric neurological diseases, and emergency and critical care in children.
- Expert in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neurological diseases.
- Particularly skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neurobehavioral diseases such as epilepsy, tic disorders, and neurodevelopmental delays.
Educational Background
- Graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with a Master’s degree in Medicine.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Standing Director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies Development and Behavioral Science Committee.
- Standing Committee Member of the Autism Rehabilitation Committee of the Guangdong Rehabilitation Medical Association.
- Standing Committee Member of the Child Health Care Committee of the Guangdong Preventive Medicine Association.
- Member of the Neurology Group of the Guangdong Pediatric Society.
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