Emergency Medicine
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Guangzhou United Family Hospital and Clinics is the place to come for care and consultation for most common emergencies and to get appropriate recommendations for your speedy recovery. Our doctors are trained and experienced emergency physicians. We have in-house specialists including pediatricians and obstetricians ready to serve patients 24 hours a day. Our facilities are specially organized for emergencies. Hospital operating rooms as well as a supply of triple-tested blood are available 24 hours a day。
Among some of our specialties are:
- Pediatric emergencies and pediatric surgeries
- Medical emergencies: Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, asthma attack, respiratory distress, Diabetic emergencies
- Surgical trauma with massive bleeding, appendicitis, acute urinary calculus, and Gallstones
- Acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and other cardiac disease
- Orthopedics Trauma surgery : Fracture, dislocation, injury of neurovascular soft tissues
- Stroke and head injuries
- Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Rabies Vaccination
- Post-exposure HIV Prevention
24 Emergency Hotline: (020)3610 2333
Our Clinicians

Brett CHEN
Chief of Emergency Service

Robert LI
Section Chief of Emergency Services

Brian Liang
Section Chief of Emergency Services

Tommy Lin
Section Chief of Emergency Medicine

Yasufumi FUJII
Family Medicine Physician、Emergence Medicine Physician

Emergency Medicine Physician

Justin ZHANG
Emergence Medicine Physician
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our Emergency Room is equipped with state-of-the-art life-saving equipment to handle all emergency situations. We have imaging, laboratory, and pharmacy services available 24 hours a day, including a rapid state-of-the-art CT scanner with 3D and angiography capabilities, MRI, X-ray and ultrasound. If necessary, we have blood available for transfusion that has been double checked at our hospital to ensure your safety.
The Strength of GZU 24/7 ER Services
One of Guangzhou’s leading 24/7 Emergency Rooms.
- 24/7 in-house pediatric, adult, and OB operating room services for acute surgical emergencies (e.g., appendicitis, and C-sections)
- 24/7 in-house, state-of-the-art CAT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, and X-ray imaging services
- 24/7 adult, pediatric, and obstetric inpatient services available, including 24/7 inpatient rooms
- 24/7 neonatal intensive care unit
- 24/7 laboratory and pharmacy
- Highly-experienced Emergency Medicine Physicians certified in:
- AmericanHeart Association Basic Life Support (AHA BLS)
- American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support (AHA ACLS)
- AmericanHeart Association Pediatric Advanced Life Support (AHA PALS)
On-Site Emergency Service
Guangzhou United Family Hospital offers a wide variety of outside medical assistance for your organization’s VIP visits, high-profile conferences, and events. We can help you create a safer environment for your special events or trips.
Examples of the kinds of services we can supply are:
- Emergency physician on-site staffing
If you are an Events Manager, and would like to understand what we can provide to create a safe environment for the medical needs of your next conference, VIP visit, or high-profile event, please contact us. We will provide you with a proper consultation from a medical perspective with recommendations to suit your needs. Discounts are available for events booked in advance! For more information please contact our Marketing Department.
First Aid Training
A good outcome in cardiac and other severe emergencies requires good first aid care by bystanders. For this reason, Guangzhou United Family Hospital offers comprehensive first aid training and CPR/Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training for individuals and organizations in Guangzhou. We offer training for personal employees such as your ayi or driver, as well as training programs for staff. Courses can be tailored to suit your organization’s needs. We also organize ACLS courses for medical professionals.
For more information please e-mail gzumarketing@ufh.com.cn.
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