September 21 Psychology Talk: Relationship Enhancement

The quality of relationships we have with other people and the quality of relationships within our families are very significant factors in our early development and in the quality of our adult lives. In fact, relationship quality is a more important factor in our well-being and development than the quality of our education or the amount of money we have. Yet many people, including parents, do not understand this idea and assume a healthy and happy environment is secondary to things like discipline and family “face.”

Improving all our relationships is the key to raising healthy and confident children and to being fulfilled adults. This talk will discuss these ideas and offer suggestions on how to enhance all of our relationships.

Speaker: Dr. Alfred Chambers, Psychologist

Time: 2 – 4 pm

Date: Sunday, September 21

Language: English with Chinese translation

Cost: 100 RMB per person

Venue: 2F, United Family Guangzhou Clinic

RSVP: Please send your name and number of attendees by email to

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