Terence MA
Dr. Ma is an educational psychologist practicing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, where he received his PhD in educational Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. His love of psychology grew out of his undergraduate experience, which led him to focus on the application of psychology in education. His extensive educational background, including growing up in local and international schools, has given him a broad understanding of different education systems and cultures. Dr. Ma is an accredited Educational Psychologist by the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Government, a member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS) Division of Educational Psychology (DEP), and the American Psychological Association (APA). His work covers the provision of Educational Psychologist’s Service to children, adolescents, adults and their families of all ages and backgrounds.
Dr. Ma is proficient in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Dr. Ma specializes in preschool child development assessment, as well as assessment of intelligence, learning ability, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), mental health, and adaptability. His services include psychological assessments, counseling, and training. Usually, the service begins with an initial consultation and assessment. The assessment tools he uses cover a wide range of ages, from newborns to 90-year-olds.
Dr. Ma has also written several articles, including advice for parents on how to monitor and manage their children’s gaming addiction at home. In addition, he has assisted King-May in training mainland practitioners in the use of assessment tools. As a mentor for the Cocoon Foundation’s Pursuit of X program, he teaches young people how to balance their personal and professional lives.
Dr. Ma is an Accredited Certified Course Practitioner who offers Kimochis® Training, PEERS® Social Training and The Incredible Years® Parent and Child Training. Dr. Ma attaches great importance to the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and insists on working closely with experts in different professional fields, aiming to help students reach their full potential.
Dr. Ma is a member of various academic organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), APA Division 16 (School Psychology, the Division of Educational Psychology (DEP), and the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS).
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