Personal Motto
- Guarding the oral health of children with love and care.
Professional Expertise
- Clinical training and research in pediatric dentistry.
- Diagnosis and treatment of dental caries, pulp and periapical diseases, and dental trauma in children.
- Behavior guidance for children and providing comfortable dental treatment, including sedation and general anesthesia.
- Early orthodontic treatment for children and orthodontic care for adolescents.
- Promotion of preventive oral health care for children.
Educational Background
- Graduated with Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Medicine from the Guanghua School of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University.
Clinical Experience
- Began working in the Pediatric Dentistry Department of the Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University after obtaining my Doctoral degree in 2011.
- Appointed as attending physician and lecturer.
Academic Achievements
- Published four SCI papers in international academic journals.
- Contributed to the compilation of the monograph “Invasive Mycoses Vaccines.”
- Participated in numerous international and domestic academic seminars and exchanges.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Youth Member of the Professional Committee of Pediatric Dentistry of the Chinese Stomatological Association.
- Member and Academic Secretary of the Professional Committee of Pediatric Dentistry of the Guangdong Stomatological Association.
- Deputy Director of the Children’s Dentistry and Health Education Branch of the Guangdong Private Dental Association.
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