General Dentist
Professional Expertise
Dr. Huang Jing has extensive clinical experience in the fields of dental restoration, temporomandibular joint disorders, and comprehensive oral diagnosis and treatment. With regards to dental emergencies, interdisciplinary oral comprehensive treatment, guidance on oral health promotion, and prevention of oral diseases, Dr. Huang is able to play a crucial role as the primary attending physician. In addition, Dr. Huang specializes in:
- Anterior smile design and aesthetic restoration
- Various restorations for dental arch defects and losses (including removable, fixed, implant-based methods)
- Diagnosis and restorative treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders and malocclusion
Educational Background
- Guangzhou Jinan University Stomatology, 2004
- Master’s degree in Stomatology, Sichuan University West China School of Stomatology, 2007
Clinical Experience
- The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-san University
Academic Achievements
- Published 5 clinical studies and academic papers in core journals
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Secretary of Oral Medical Safety Management Branch of Guangdong Medical Safety Association
- Member of the Committee on Temporomandibular Joint Diseases and Orthognathic Surgery of the Guangdong Oral Medicine Association
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