Steven Dee

Section Chief of Dental
Personal Motto
- Fully committed to providing comprehensive oral treatment for both adults and children, ensuring that every patient enjoys a better life through healthy teeth.
Professional Expertise
- Comprehensive oral treatment for adults and children.
- Pediatric Dentistry: Occlusion guidance, comprehensive prevention and treatment of oral issues in children and adolescents, diagnosis and treatment of pulp diseases and surgery, stainless steel crown reconstruction and restoration, and comprehensive restorative treatment for pediatric patients under general anesthesia.
- Prosthodontics: Dental crowns and bridges, dental post reconstruction, and partial and complete denture restoration for tooth loss.
- Endodontics and Periodontics: Teeth cleaning and whitening, diagnosis and treatment of caries, pulpitis, and periapical diseases, root canal treatment (both non-surgical and surgical), and treatment of anterior and posterior teeth using traditional and modern rotary instrument techniques.
- Oral and Maxillofacial Treatment: Minor surgical trauma sutures, simple tooth extractions, and treatment of odontogenic infections.
- Dental Implantology: Principles of implant placement, case analysis, and repair services for dental implants and implant failures.
Educational Background
- Graduated from the University of Malmö in Sweden in 2002 with a Doctoral degree in Dental Medicine.
Clinical Experience
- Over 20 years of experience in the field.
- Worked in public dental clinics in Sweden for more than 7 years.
- Served as Chief of the Dentistry Department at Beijing United Family Hospital.
- Gained experience at Shanghai United Family Hospital.
- Participated in the construction and management of the Dentistry Department at Guangzhou United Family Hospital.
- Appointed Director of the Dentistry Department at Guangzhou United Family Hospital in 2022.
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