Yasufumi FUJII

Family Medicine Physician、Emergence Medicine Physician
Personal Motto
- I dedicate myself fully to serving patients by speaking the truth based on established medical knowledge. My goal is to ensure patients understand clearly, alleviate anxiety, avoid unnecessary tests, and refrain from prescribing unneeded medications.
Professional Expertise
- Specializes in surgery and family medicine.
Educational Background
- Obtained a Master’s degree in Surgery from the Graduate School of Hunan Medical University in 1988.
- Studied a doctoral program in Life Sciences at the Institute of Human Research, Waseda University, Japan, in 2002.
Clinical Experience
- Over ten years of medical practice in China.
- More than eight years of medical study and training in Japan.
Personal Honors and Professional Affiliations
- Holds the Physician Qualification Certificate of the People’s Republic of China.
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